Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Multiplication Woes!

After an honest discussion today, the class admitted that they had a lot of room for improvement with memorizing their multiplication facts.  I know that every teacher stressed multiplication last year in 3rd grade, but it would seem that many of our classmates didn't really take the time to learn all of the facts.  We talked about why it is important to have the facts memorized.  Ask them about "automaticity."  The easier it is for a student to recall a product, the easier it will be for them to use that information.  If someone has to stop and count fingers to figure out what 7 x 8 equals, he/she will probably forget why they were trying to find out in the first place.  Very few things is life need to be committed to memory: address, phone number, a loved one's birthday, e-mail passwords, and now add to the list -- multiplication facts. 

We are dropping back to pick up this 3rd grade skill in order to have success on so many of the up coming 4th grade skills.  It is worth the time IF the students take it seriously this year and get them memorized.  We have gone over several activities that can be done at home to help.  Here are a couple of sites that may be of some use:

Students are welcome to visit the comment section and leave their classmates messages about and suggestions for learning the multiplication facts.  Look here in coming days for posting of the TIMES LINE results!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 2

Slowly but surely things are falling into place.  We have a great group and there are amazing things ahead for us.  I realize that with this group, I am the unknown variable for many of you.  I'd like to change that.  Although this is my third year at Shayne, much of my work and time was spent behind the scenes.  To be completely honest, that was absolutely fine with me.  I've always said I was not meant to be Gladys Knight-I'm satisfied being a Pip!  My job is to let others find their inner superstar.  That was how I approached working with teachers, but it is also the way I work with students.  My goal is to teach the students to think for themselves and be resourceful so they can solve problems without me.  If any of you are into educational philosophy and reading, much of my own professional philosophy has been molded by Mortimer Adler's Paideia model and Art Costa and Bena Kallick's Habits of Mind.

So, there is another little slice of what makes me tick.  As for class this week, it is all about reading assessments this week.  It's not my favorite time either, but I think the students really dislike the numerous assessments.  We'll get through them and move on.  To measure our growth, we have to know where we start.

Book orders came home today.  These are made available for your convenience.  It is a fairly low cost option for you if interested in purchasing books.  No pressure!

Several of you have asked, so I will add a class wishlist to the blog in a day or so.  If anything comes up between now and the next newsletter, you'll read it here first!  Have a good week!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

1st Days of School

Welcome to what is going to be an amazing year!  I am so excited to be back in the classroom working with students.  After working mainly with teachers and administrators over the last two years, I am ready to jump in and help my students set the standard for success!  We are going to have a great experience together in 4th grade.  There are high standards and expectations for all of us, but by working together, our class, our team, and our school will meet and exceed any challenge set before us.  The key is working together.  During the first few days of school, our class will be working hard to build a community-an extended family-that provides a safe, positive, and fun learning environment for everyone.  So, buckle up and get ready to reach farther than you've ever dreamed!

Feel free to leave a comment here on the blog at any time.  It will be a great place for you to connect with one another and encourage the students.  From time to time, students will post work and leave comments, too.  Here's to a great first few days of school; I am excited to get to know everyone and start out on our journey together!