Monday, July 23, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
  • He made most of the class laugh.
  • He is very polite.
  • He’s funny.
  • He likes football and school.
  • We got to be great friends.
  • He has style.
  • He’s a nice friend.
  • He can break it down rapping.
  • He sat by me.
  • He is funny.
  • He is a good friend.
  • He did the moonwalk.
  • He is my best friend.
  • He sang once in a high, squeaky voice.
  • He used to steal my pencils.
  • He is a rapper.
  • He loves to dance.
  • He was honest and kind.
  • He can dance.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She lets me borrow her stuff.
    • She is a nice friend.
    • She’s a friend.
    • She is smart and likes math.
    • She is pretty.
    • She’s from another country.
    • She gave me some mechanical pencils.
    • She made optical art in class.
    • She is very nice.
    • She makes a perfect paper crane.
    • She is smart.
    • She has a great laugh.
    • She sat beside me.
    • She is nice and my friend.
    • She is cool.
    • She had a birthday party.
    • She likes cupcakes.
    • She gave me pencils.
    • She was a good helper.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
  • He is funny.
  • We played Roll 10.
  • He is my friend.
  • He was nice to me.
  • He likes football.
  • He is competitive.
  • He has a good life.
  • He’s always laughing.
  • He is very nice.
  • He called someone “cheap!”
  • He is a nice friend.
  • He is a good sport.
  • He is smart.
  • He used to fight about whether Macey had a dog.
  • He asks me if I’m okay when I’m crying.
  • One time he got sweet candy.
  • He did a jump one day in class.
  • He is my friend.
  • He is funny.

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • He never talks.
    • He is a chipmunk.
    • We did the jellybean project together.
    • One time he laughed and then sneezed.
    • He is nice and funny.
    • He has spiky hair.
    • He has a great laugh.
    • He is not from the USA.
    • He is always calling my name.
    • He likes soccer.
    • He is funny.
    • He is a funny friend.
    • He kissed himself.
    • He loves to play with his friends.
    • He is a funny dude.
    • He blows me kisses.
    • He wouldn’t talk to Ms. K.
    • He is quiet.
    • He brought a gift for the class.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
  • He always knows what to do.
  • He doesn’t talk much.
  • He makes art for you.
  • He is from Vietnam.
  • He is a good drawer.
  • He likes puzzles.
  • He is an artist.
  • He is a good friend.
  • He’s good at soccer.
  • He is a good reader.
  • He is very clever.
  • He dressed funny on Wacky Wednesday.
  • He said the Twaddle Tuck poem as fast as he could.
  • He helped me.
  • He drew a picture for Ms. K.
  • He is nice.
  • He is smart.
  • He is a nice friend.
  • He likes to draw.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She is great at math.
    • She said, “Take my liberty.”
    • She wouldn’t stop singing the Preamble.
    • She had a fun sleepover.
    • She is always laughing.
    • She loves to sing.
    • She had a party.
    • She has my last name.
    • She is smart.
    • She is behind me in line.
    • She is funny.
    • She is always welcoming.
    • She said we were fighting to give up our freedom.
    • She had fun in our music program.
    • She sang the Constitution song over and over.
    • She likes to sing.
    • She has a messy bomb.
    • She is nice and cool.
    • She was funny.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
  • He is funny.
  • He used his head as a tether ball.
  • He loves to play.
  • He jokes around.
  • He plays a lot.
  • He is funny.
  • He is a friend.
  • He always joked, “My momma’s gonna beat me.”
  • He is a nice friend.
  • He chased me around the playground.
  • He speaks with his Elmo voice.
  • He is funny.
  • He is crazy funny.
  • He was funny at the Halloween birthday party.
  • He did his Elmo voice in music.
  • He was bold.
  • He is funny.
  • He liked challenging Ms. K to a learning activity.
  • He is hilarious.

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She wore a cheese hat.
    • She is hyper.
    • She does cartwheels.
    • She likes cows.
    • She wore her cheese hat.
    • She has been in my class for three years.
    • She loves cows.
    • Her cheeks feel like a cow’s nose.
    • She is funny.
    • She let me stay after school with her and play.
    • She is nice.
    • She ate too much sugar once and became crazy.
    • She did crafts at the Frist.
    • She flew off the swing once.
    • She likes gymnastics.
    • You are my friend.
    • She told me she liked me.

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • She is funny.
  • She is my BFF.
  • She is so quiet.
  • She is very nice.
  • She likes the color pink.
  • She is quiet.
  • She is always on your side.
  • She is quiet and shy.
  • She has all kinds of friends.
  • She laughed really hard once.
  • She is funny.
  • She is very smart.
  • She sang an awesome song about cheese puffs.
  • She is a good friend.
  • She made up the game “tut.”
  • She is calm.
  • She yelled at me once.
  • She likes to play.
  • She goes to Encore.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She sat by me.
    • She loves to learn.
    • She dyed her hair like her mom.
    • She laughs.
    • She plays a lot.
    • She has cool hair.
    • She is nice.
    • She loves to sing, and is good, too.
    • She danced in PE.
    • She is always cool.
    • I got to sit by you at lunch.
    • She is cool.
    • She is a friend that cares.
    • She is crazy.
    • She is a hugger.
    • She laughed and cried at the same time.
    • She is a tall friend.
    • She writes fast.
    • She was nice.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • He sat on people that were in their chairs.
  • He likes chicken.
  • He is a funny boy.
  • He is a good friend.
  • He is amazingly fast.
  • He is crazy.
  • He is always smiling.
  • He has Justin Bieber hair.
  • He kicked the soccer ball over the gate.
  • He was sad when he got his hair cut.
  • He burped the ABCs.
  • He makes me laugh with his dancing.
  • He is silly.
  • He is hilarious.
  • He has a great sense of humor.
  • He is crazy and odd.
  • He is cute.
  • He gets chased by girls.
  • He is a good artist.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • He spilled the book bucket when he put it on the counter.
    • He is a nice friend.
    • He likes skulls.
    • He is constantly reading.
    • He made a goal in soccer and helped us win.
    • He is quiet.
    • He loves to read.
    • He is a math expert.
    • He is fast.
    • He is funny.
    • He is fast.
    • He played Beat It on your iPod.
    • He always gets his work done.
    • He always sits by Brandon.
    • He is cute.
    • He goes to Encore.
    • He was on the news.
    • He made friends with me.
    • I saw him on tv.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • She likes ice cream.
  • She owed me chips.
  • She is nice.
  • She used oranges for teeth.
  • She loves to play outside.
  • She always got chased by boys.
  • She sits at my table doing centers.
  • She likes to play with me.
  • She is cool.
  • She wore weird clothes on Wacky Wednesday.
  • She is my best friend.
  • She colors good.
  • She told me I was pretty.
  • She gave me some of her jellybeans.
  • She brought cupcakes to our Halloween party.
  • She holds the door for me.
  • She almost gave LaDarius her glasses.
  • She is a nice friend.
  • She has a good laugh.

Monday, July 9, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She was silly funny.
    • She talks to herself.
    • She sings all day long.
    • She acts weird in class.
    • She is beautiful and smart.
    • She is sassy and likes to write.
    • She likes her bike.
    • She is hilarious.
    • She is a good friend.
    • She dumped sparkly glitter on the floor.
    • She has a pretty voice.
    • She says funny things in class.
    • She was funny at the Valentine party.
    • Nobody can understand her.
    • She would talk loud and then get soft.
    • She asked if we had to wear pants on pj day.
    • She is so funny.
    • She sits beside me.
    • She is funny.

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • She was my good friend.
  • She is an amazing artist.
  • She is beautiful.
  • She is a good friend.
  • I like to watch her braid.
  • She is funny and everybody’s friend.
  • She likes pink.
  • She is smart, nice, and pretty.
  • She got embarrassed and turned red.
  • She is neat.
  • She always works hard.
  • She got mad at Ms. K once.
  • She’s funny.
  • She’s fun to pick on.
  • She did the announcements on the tv.
  • She is pretty.
  • She is smart.
  • She always sings.
  • She had a fun birthday party.

Saturday, July 7, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

    • He is a great dancer.
    • He is my friend.
    • He can dance like me.
    • He is a friendly artist.
    • He has good jokes.
    • He can dance.
    • He likes chicken.
    • He loves to draw like an artist.
    • He is good at basketball.
    • He shared his lead.
    • He has an awesome birthmark.
    • I sat by you in music.
    • He is a good friend.
    • He plays tag with me.
    • He made up the word veriberate.
    • He danced at our party.
    • He taught me how to draw stuff.
    • He is nice.
    • He’s a good artist

Friday, July 6, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • He gave me a math work-out.
  • He likes to sit at the girls’ table.
  • He has a funny personality.
  • He likes to play with others.
  • He is my friend.
  • He is so smart.
  • He is hilarious.
  • He read a story in 15.7 seconds.
  • He’s been in my class for three years.
  • He loves swings and tennis.
  • He likes to eat.
  • He is a very nice little gentleman.
  • He helped me with division.
  • He is nice.
  • One time he was going higher and higher in his voice.
  • He fell off his chair.
  • He is funny and a good artist.
  • He was crazy funny.
  • He is athletic.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She is funny.
    • She had her birthday at school.
    • She wears toe shoes.
    • She is kind.
    • She loves cupcakes.
    • She is always thinking.
    • She is very smart.
    • She loves to write.
    • She has a crazy things for wolves.
    • We guess what is in her thermos.
    • She is kind and nice.
    • She always helps me with my problems.
    • She is nice.
    • She likes to write in a journal.
    • She likes science.
    • She has a high voice.
    • She does her popular voice.
    • She is nice.
    • She invited me to her sleepover.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:

  • She is crazy in a good way.
  • She is a good friend.
  • She is nice.
  • She has beautiful hair.
  • She likes tag.
  • She cracks me up.
  • She brought her Christmas hat.
  • She was a good friend.
  • She sat by me on the bus and covered me up when I went to sleep.
  • She is very kind.
  • She is quiet.
  • She keeps trying and never gives up.
  • She is nice.
  • Anything she aims for, she does it.
  • You are someone I can always talk to.
  • She doesn’t want to leave anyone out.
  • She runs through Wal-mart.
  • She showed us her baby pictures.
  • She wore a dancing Christmas hat.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you: 
    • He’s my best friend.
    • He is honest about everything.
    • He is one of my best friends.
    • He did a backflip on accident.
    • He loves Diary of a Wimpy Kid books.
    • He screams high.
    • He corrects things.
    • He’s always laughing.
    • He plays on his mom’s phone.
    • He is really athletic.
    • He let me come over to his house.
    • He loves football.
    • He had a great birthday Halloween party.
    • He has a happy dance when he gets multiplication right.
    • His mom gave us red oranges.
    • He can help me with sports.
    • We are best friends.
    • He was family.
    • He is very athletic.

Monday, July 2, 2012


Here's what we will remember most about you:
  • She is very friendly.
  • She likes to play with me.
  • She is nice.
  • She loves football.
  • She has a kitten.
  • She has a beat up cat hat.
  • She has braces and is funny.
  • She held my hand once.
  • She likes cats.
  • She loves to make friends with others.
  • Her mom works here.
  • She wanted to do a cartwheel and it turned out to be a jump cartwheel splits.
  • She knows how to party.
  • She goes crazy sometimes.
  • She made funny jokes.
  • She let us pick her braces colors.
  • She was my friend.
  • We danced during the 4th grade program.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Month of Memories

With our summer a bit shorter than usual, we will be back in school in one month.  Unbelievable.  But to help the students prepare for the new year, I wanted to remind them how special each and everyone of them are.  Their classmates are actually going to remind them.  So, starting tomorrow each student will have one day as the center of attention.  Check in frequently to see who is being remembered each day and to leave your memories.