Monday, September 24, 2012

Water Cycle

We are learning about the water cycle in science.  After learning this song, the class will never forget about evaporation, condensation, and precipitation!  It's a fun way to learn some important information.  Hope you enjoy, too.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Open House -- See You There?

I hope you are planning on attending the 4th grade Open House Wednesday!  We will start out meeting in the classroom at 5:30.  You'll be able to see the room and your child's work.  We will then move inside to the library to meet as a grade level.  Hopefully we will be able to answer any questions you may have.  You will be free no later than 6:30.

As your newsletter today stated, I hope to send home an updated report of your child's beginning of the year assessments very soon.  This will include running records, DIBELS, DEA, word study, and our weekly fluency checks.  When those reports come home, please be sure to ask for any clarification on things that don't make sense.  Just like with the students, I want you to feel free to ask any questions you may have.  Until then, look for more student work to come home Thursday with the behavior cards.

Have a great week!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Good News -- Bad News

The bad news/good news you may have heard is that because of the large class sizes in our 4th grade, we will have another class starting tomorrow. That is good in that each class will have fewer students.  It is really bad in that we will give up four members of our family to the new classroom. I know the new class, taught by Miss Head, will have a great year.  The students will love her and have a lot of fun. It is just not going to be the same in our room without them. We told them that even though they are in a new class, they are still secretly part of ours!

 So, as you and your family enjoy this Labor Day holiday, I hope you get energized and come back tomorrow ready to pick up where we left off. It does mean our schedule will be changed. I will send home that information as soon as I get it. Enjoy today and I'll see you bright and early tomorrow. To the four of you headed inside to Miss Head's class, I know you'll do a great job and be the top four students in her room!  We'll miss seeing you and working with you every day.