Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are within an hour of dismissal and I can almost taste the pumpkin pie!  I hope that this short little break brings you rest, good food, and some quality family time.  I will be headed up to the St. Louis area to visit my family and of course my little nephew; I can't wait!  I am eager to hear all about your trips.

Since the copy machines were broken this week, I was unable to send out a newsletter.  I did want to share an extra credit assignment offered over the Thanksgiving break.  In the spirit of our current essential literature book, students may write a letter to their favorite author.  The letter should include a brief introduction and then the students may ask the author whatever they want to know.  Upon our return to school, we will actually mail out the letters that are written to authors who are still alive.

Also our vertical team will be sponsoring a change drive the week following Thanksgiving.  All donated money will be used to support the pajama program-a charitable organization that provides needy children with pajamas and a book for the holidays.  Our team will collect, count, wrap, tabulate, graph, and share the results of donated monies. 

In the spirit of thanksgiving, our class wrote essays about those things for which they are most thankful.  Check out the comments section to read what they shared.


B.B #5 said...

This year for Thanksgiving, I am thankful for a lot of things. I hope you have a lot, too. Here, I listed three. I hope like them!

This year for Thanksgiving, I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my family because they feed me. They also play with me. They take me out to fun places on my birthday, too.

The second thing I’m thankful for is my friends. I am thankful for my friends because they let me hang out with them. They also let me play with them. They support me if I have troubles, too.

The third thing I am thankful for is my school. I am thankful for my school because the teachers teach me new things. I also get to spend time with other people. It’s also a good school, too.

This is what I am thankful for. I am thankful my family, friends, and school.

LT #21 said...

Each year I am helpful. I am nice to everyone. I show respect to others.
The first thing I am thankful for is my family. I am happy that more people is coming in. I love the new born.
The second thing I am thankful for is my pet .I love my pets to be healthy .I am glad they are nice to me. I love for my pet to be pretty like me.
The last thing I am thankful for is my friends. They are good friends. They are helpful to me .Also they are fun to play with.
Conclusion the real thing I am thankful for is my family the most. I love to be with my family on Thanksgiving time. Thanksgiving is the best holiday of the year.

RM #16 said...

It all started with a person writing a letter to the president. She wrote about a harvest. She said, “We should have Thanksgiving because we should have a day to be thankful.

I’m thankful for friends. They play with me. That gives me something to do. They tell me jokes. Their jokes are really funny. They help me with stuff I can’t do. It’s really useful.

I’m thankful for school. I get an education at school. That is going to help me when I get older. I learn new stuff. I learned how to multiply. I meet new people. I expand my friend list.

I am thankful for my family. I have someone to hug. I don’t have someone to hug at school. I’m alive because of them. I am glad about being alive. They give me presents. Even not on holidays!

So those are my 3 things I’m thankful for. We’re all thankful for something. I’m thankful for more than 3 things. What are you thankful for?

KA #1 said...

I would like to tell you about what I am thankful for. All of the ideas are from Thanksgiving.
First thing I’m thankful for is my friends. I’m happy we are together sometimes. I also am grateful that we can share the same laughter. Last I’m glad we can give eachather things.
My 2nd thing that I’m thankful for is my family. They give me love in all their hearts. They give me food to eat. Some of my family lives in the same state.
Last thing I’m thankful for is my pets. They are fussy things to keep me company. They can can come up and love on me. They are also someone I can take care of.
Those are the three things I am thankful for.

MN #17 said... said...

Happy thanksgiving everybody

l3333# said...

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