Monday, January 30, 2012

It's a Non-Party

Since we cannot have a Valentine's Party, we will instead have a "Non-Party."  Please feel free to use the comments section here to discuss and communicate among yourselves about what you would be willing to send in for the "Non-Party."  No one needs to feel as if they have to send in anything.  I just want you to have the opportunity to make arrangements if there is interest.  Thanks!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Online Learning Activities

Good afternoon.  I shared a website with the students that offers several excellent math learning activities.  The site is for PBS's Cyberchase.  The first activity requires students to match equivalent fractions.  You can find it here:  Another activity is to find 13 ways to make one half.  That is at this link:

Thanks for the emails and notes asking about how I'm feeling.  I am fine, but will probably have a cough or congestion for several weeks.  Once it sets in, I don't give it up too easily.  The online grade book was reopened Monday while I was out.  I plan to update all grades this weekend.  If you have been checking, I'm sorry for the delay.  Look for updated grades on Sunday and work to come home Monday.  Thanks so much!

Also thanks go out to the moms of 7 and 13 for heading up the teacher luncheon last week.  Thanks to those of you who contributed items for that.  You all go above and beyond to make the teachers and staff here feel appreciated.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Snow Days and Holidays

It's been awhile since my last update.  It seems as if everyone had a great Christmas break.  If the students got half of what they've claimed, they were truly blessed!  In the meanwhile, we are back to work and trying go get into our routines again at school.  The mysterious snow day Friday will throw us off a little, but we are moving along in the right direction preparing for TCAP.  Expect report cards tomorrow.

Today we are out of school to honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  If you ever have the opportunity, I highly recommend visiting the Civil Rights Museum in Memphis.  I took a group of students there several years back, and I have to say that it might be the most memorable day of my teaching career.  It is a deeply powerful and moving place.  The museum is located in the Lorraine Motel where Dr. King was assassinated.  The lessons and stories shared there are well worth the price of admission.

On a much less serious note, this Friday is our field trip to the symphony.  Please send in your permission slips, lunch option, and money as soon as possible.  Have a great day off, and I'll see everyone bright and early tomorrow!