Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wacky Wednesday

Wacky indeed!  Happy Leap Day everyone.  Take a look at what we had to deal with in order to get some learning done today!  Of course I came to school non-wacky as usual; I'm that dedicated. ;-)   Can you believe someone had the nerve to wear a Cubs hat?!  I'd never mention names or call out the student who had the unfortunate taste of wearing the Cubs hat, right Seth?  So sad.  Has the time with me this year not enriched the students' understanding and knowledge of quality baseball teams?  I mean, really. . .the Cubs?

Also, the students have been completing sudoku puzzles this week.  I shared the following website with them and thought you all might enjoy accessing it at home, too:  Enjoy what's left of your leap day.  Just think, the next leap day will be during your child's last year before high school, and the following leap year will be when this group graduates from high school!  I better be invited to all of those graduation parties!

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