It is time. All of the hard work you have put in over the last five years has paid off, and this is the week when you get to leave elementary school behind. In less than four days, you will all be middle schoolers! It's hard to believe the end is near, but I am so proud of each and every one of you! I wish you all the very best as you leave Shayne and head off to middle school and everything that lies beyond. I hope you happily remember your times here and think fondly of the little family you had for the year we spent together. Keep in touch here on the blog or however you can!
If you know what you are bringing in for the end-of-year party on Wednesday, leave a comment so others can plan accordingly! Have a wonderful last week!
I'll bring in a bag of chip.
Bye everyone
i hope every one is having summer
ill miss yall so much i dont want wAnt to go!!!!!!!!
i miss you guys.
I miss everybody!
I miss all of you guys
have a great summer
I'm going to disney world durring the summer and sliding on my waterslide
when will report cards be mailed?
hi everyone its summer and I wacthing beauty and the beast at home.
i miss everyone so much and when will report card be mailed msK if u ever read this message well goodbye 2011-2012 class ill mis you guys bye yall!!! :(
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