Wednesday, May 2, 2012

TCAP Contract Fulfilled

Since all 21 students kept their end of our TCAP agreement, we celebrated today by making our very own, individual sized servings of homemade ice cream.  It was delicious if I say so myself.  It is actually very easy to make, and you probably already have everything you need at home!  Here is what we did:
1/2 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 tablespoon sugar
4 cups crushed ice
4 tablespoons salt
2 quart size Zip-loc bags
1 gallon size Zip-loc freezer bag
a hand towel or gloves to keep fingers from freezing as well!
Mix the milk, vanilla and sugar together in one of the quart size bags. Seal tightly, allowing as little air to remain in the bag as possible. Too much air left inside may force the bag open during shaking. Place this bag inside the other quart size bag, again leaving as little air inside as possible and sealing well. By double-bagging, the risk of salt and ice leaking into the ice cream is minimized. Put the two bags inside the gallon size bag and fill the bag with ice, then sprinkle salt on top. Again let all the air escape and seal the bag. Wrap the bag in the towel or put your gloves on, and shake and massage the bag, making sure the ice surrounds the cream mixture. Ten to fifteen minutes is adequate time for the mixture to freeze into ice cream.


Linh said...

Dear Ms.Karraker,
I have alergy and sickness I hope you take this as an absent note sorry abut today I know it's feild day but I can't go to shcool.
Have a good day!

your best student,
Linh Tran

ladarius said...

i hope every is have ing a good time

love ladarius