Sunday, July 15, 2012


Here's what we'll remember most about you:
    • She wore a cheese hat.
    • She is hyper.
    • She does cartwheels.
    • She likes cows.
    • She wore her cheese hat.
    • She has been in my class for three years.
    • She loves cows.
    • Her cheeks feel like a cow’s nose.
    • She is funny.
    • She let me stay after school with her and play.
    • She is nice.
    • She ate too much sugar once and became crazy.
    • She did crafts at the Frist.
    • She flew off the swing once.
    • She likes gymnastics.
    • You are my friend.
    • She told me she liked me.


Savannah said...

Sydney is nice and i agree that she is hyper.

Savannah said...

I remember the cheese hat...