Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Skyler's Arm -- the REAL Story

Our friend Skyler hurt her arm over the weekend.  She had surgery this morning and we hope all is well.  We have heard that she made it through just fine and is on the road to recovery with some new hardware helping the bones to heal properly.  That brings us to what really happened to Skyler's arm. We're not sure if it was as simple as what she said actually happened.  Maybe we just wanted it to be an elaborate tale full of adventure and mayhem. Check out the comments section for some of the students' theories as to the real story behind Skyler's accident.

All joking aside, we miss you Skyler and hope you feel better and get back to school soon!


Ms K said...

My theory is that Skyler participated in the local YAWN-Youth Arm Wrestling Nation) competition. Skyler had made it to the semi final round against Paula "the Beast" Jones. When the round began, Skyler almost had the Beast pinned down, when the Beast sneezed. It startled both of them and Skyler's arm slipped. The Beast slipped on top of Skyler and pinned her arm. the rest is, as they say, history.

Get better soon!

Adam A said...

I think Skyler got asked to go to WWE wrestle mania and fight John Cina. Then in the fight John Cina spun her around by her arm and let go. Her arm hit the post and her arm was sprained.

Emilia said...

Skyler broke her arm by eating lots off sugar. She started bouncing off the walls. When she fell, she landed on her arm.
Skyler flew to the moon and had a hard landing when she parachuted back down to Earth. That is what I think.

Savannah said...

I think Skyler robbed a bank and got away with it and she spent all the money on a mansion. The mansion had a bowling alley and Skyler wanted to bowl. She decided to use a 50 pound ball and her servant (that she hired because she still had a lot of money) accidently dropped the ball on her arm. She got a cast on, fired her servant, and went to jail.

D'Ante said...

This is what I think happened. Skyler was on her” scooter” and then her foot hit the “brakes” of the back of the scooter hit her face…….. BOOM!!!! She fell off then rolled elbow and shoulder 1st on to 1,000 rocks denim, denim, denim and then fell down a 10 ft. hill……… AHHHHHHH POP goes her shoulder!!!! Clearly she’s trying to cover the damage with a lie. Earlier she went to the hospital Dr. Weskel said: well,her arm isn’t broken but it appears to be sprained. Dr. Weskel also said tomorrow we’ll have to X-ray her arm and we’ll have to see if her arm will ever recover fully. And she never did. THE END!!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed reading all the stories.... :)
Isabelle Climer

Samuel said...

Last night Skyler heard a CRACK in her basement. She went down to investigate. Then BANG everything went black. She woke up in a dark room with a rusty wire tying her to a chair and a man with a shotgun pointed at her. Luckily she remembered she had a nail file in her pocket. So when the guard left she started filing the wire and the bars. She ran as she could to a ship it turns out it was a pirate ship and the pirates captured her and sentenced her to death. DUM DUM DUM! So the lined up and started shooting luckily they sailed right into a whirl pool and all the pirates missed and shot each other. So she jumped over board and got sucked into the whirl pool which led to the time of the cowboys. So she jumped on a horse and rode away. Soon some Indians started shooting and they shot her in the side. Luckily she found a cave and hid there for a little while. It turns out that the cave was a volcano and right at that moment it blew its top and sent Skyler flying in the air and the air force blew of her arm. So she has a robot arm now. THE END

Anonymous said...

Please do not tell anyone about this. What I am about to say can be detrimental to those involved and could cause World-wide Widespread Panic. This is Top Secret.

Skyler was been abducted by aliens. Martians to be precise. They traced the source of the Curiosity rover back to earth. They interpreted our mission as an act of war, and are planning to invade the earth in the year 2022.

Before they can invade they need to impersonate 222 otherwise normal and smart young people. These people will grow and fall into important and prominent positions to facilitate take over of the Earth. Her cast is not a real cast, it is a breathing apparatus that allows the Martian to acclimate to the Earth's atmosphere. Once the Martian is acclimated, the cast comes off. The scar that remains is the seam to where the Martian assume the "Skyler suit" (see Men In Black, Edgar Suit).

Whatever you do, do not let Skyler become wise that you know she is now a Martian. Treat her normally. Otherwise you risk great peril to all. The US Government is aware of the situation and is taking steps to resolve the issue. You will find out more about this plan after the election in November if you pay close attention. Things will seem weird if you observe carefully.

Some of you do not believe me. For those of you that are skeptics -- and I am one too -- you can perform a simple test. Martians can only lie. The real Skylar can only tell the truth. Therefore you must ask her a question to determine if she is really a Martian. But, you only get one question because after the first question Martians become wise to individual human interaction due to sophisticated Martian programming. Create your question wisely and ask it the first time. Then you too will know the truth.

-Anonymous for obvious reasons

Savannah said...

I like my story.... and the other ones!