Monday, April 29, 2013

Field Day Lunch

Please sign up for an item for our lunch on Field Day.  You can post in the comments section what you are able to donate.  I'll send a list home next week of what is still needed.  Thanks!

Hebrew National hotdogs (come in packs of 7)  Need 7-8
Buns (usually come in packs of 8)  Need 6-7
Chips  Need 3-5 or individual packs
Fruit   Need 2-3
Desserts  Need 3-4
Juice boxes/pouches (boxes of 10)   Need 4-6

I've got paper plates and napkins.  What have I forgotten?  I would love to borrow an ice cooler from someone if possible!? 

We Survived TCAP!

As I said in today's newsletter, I am very proud of how hard the students worked last week.  They appeared to be very confident, and I am sure they did the best they could.  That is all we can ask.  Well done!

There are many things coming up on our schedule during these last few weeks of school.  (Can you believe it is almost over?!)  Check out our calendar for May--

May 1--DIBELS reading end of year assessment
May 6--Tour of Oliver
May 8--Sounds Reading Club trip to the ballpark
May 10--final payments due for Mammoth Cave
May 14--CRA math end of year assessment
May 17--Field Day
May 22--Mammoth Cave
May 23--4th grade Walk Off
May 24--half day/last day

I'll add to this as I know more.