Tuesday, August 13, 2013

There's an App for That!

Today in class some students were asking about the educational games learning activities I have on my iPhone.  If you have any cool apps that you would like to share with others, please leave a message about them in the comments section of this post. 

The one I was showing them today is free--the best kind--and it is called Montezuma Puzzle.  It is similar to tangrams.  You have to try and fit specific pieces into a given frame.  It really tests spacial reasoning.  There is a volume two if you master the first. It is one of those addictive apps!

What apps are you using to entertain and educate?  We do have a class iPad, so I'm always looking for good, engaging, and relatively inexpensive apps to use with the class.  Please share!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Oops! Already?!

I can't believe it!  It's week 2 and I neglected to send home your newsletter.  They are right here on the table ready to go home.  I am so sorry for not getting those to you today.  In short, the main reminder is about Open House Thursday evening.  We will meet from 6:00-7:00.  Please note that Oliver is also having an Open House that night, so parking may be tricky.  Also be sure to send in the City Saver envelopes as you sell them (or return the booklet if you choose not to sell). We want to be sure your child gets his/her mustache!  (I'm not sure I've ever said that before!)

Have a great evening, and look for your newsletter tomorrow.  (I promise--I will get this new schedule thing down soon!)  I appreciate your patience.  Keep reading!