Tuesday, August 13, 2013

There's an App for That!

Today in class some students were asking about the educational games learning activities I have on my iPhone.  If you have any cool apps that you would like to share with others, please leave a message about them in the comments section of this post. 

The one I was showing them today is free--the best kind--and it is called Montezuma Puzzle.  It is similar to tangrams.  You have to try and fit specific pieces into a given frame.  It really tests spacial reasoning.  There is a volume two if you master the first. It is one of those addictive apps!

What apps are you using to entertain and educate?  We do have a class iPad, so I'm always looking for good, engaging, and relatively inexpensive apps to use with the class.  Please share!

1 comment:

lillianb said...

S is very interested in the news and current events. She usually tries to watch MacNeil Lehrer News Hour, but we discourage that bc of all of the violence. I discovered the News O Matic app. It has kid friendly news about kids, and is supposed to be different every day, but we haven't explored it enough to be sure of that.