Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fundraising Success!

Thanks to everyone for your participation in the City Saver book sale.  Everyone in our class either returned the booklet or sold.  That is awesome!  In fact, our class did so well, we were tied for the highest selling 3rd grade class!  Well done everyone.  We had a QUACK party to celebrate!  I'm sure you all are enjoying those duck calls at home.

Because the school met the goal of selling 800 books, our very own Ms. Greer agreed to kiss a pig!  That took place a couple of weeks ago, and our class had a front row seat to the show.  Take a look at Ms. Greer and her new friend Wilbur!


Marisapink said...

Hello there :),Guess who came to tell you hi?

Remember a Parisa from Jones ........?(Forgot how to spell it xD)

Anyway hi :) I made a blog and I was wondering where all my teachers went to so I used Google to search for them and I found you :D.It was so long I've ever talked to you.I'm.............well I can't say it here *Whispers*(there's are many eyes around the internet).

Sorry other parents xD, enjoy the page

Anonymous said...

That is so funny ! And there is ms. Mcd!