Friday, October 31, 2014

Guess Who . . . . !

It's that time of year when strange and frightening things begin to appear at our doors (and in our classrooms) begging for candy.  Can you guess who these might be?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fundraising Success!

Thanks to everyone for your participation in the City Saver book sale.  Everyone in our class either returned the booklet or sold.  That is awesome!  In fact, our class did so well, we were tied for the highest selling 3rd grade class!  Well done everyone.  We had a QUACK party to celebrate!  I'm sure you all are enjoying those duck calls at home.

Because the school met the goal of selling 800 books, our very own Ms. Greer agreed to kiss a pig!  That took place a couple of weeks ago, and our class had a front row seat to the show.  Take a look at Ms. Greer and her new friend Wilbur!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Singing about Rounding

     Have you even caught yourself humming a song that was popular years ago?  Have you ever surprised youself when you remembered the words to an old song you hadn't heard in years?  Music has the power to help us remember things.  That's why commercial jingles get stuck in our heads!  It's also why you can probably still sing along to School House Rock songs and other things from your childhood. 
     We have attempted to harness the power of music in our class!  This week and last, our students tried to write their own songs to help them remember how to round.  We talked about the "leave me alone" numbers 0-4 and those "bully numbers" 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 that round numbers up.  Check out a couple of the great songs the groups came up with!

 Coming Soon

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

It's a New Year!

Where does the summer go?  I feel like it was just yesterday I sent the old group of soon-to-be 4th graders on to their summer vacations.  We had packed the room up, ready for the big move, and now we are approaching the first day of a new school year.  Time sure does fly!

For my new students and parents, WELCOME!  This is a place to check in for quick updates and announcements.  It is also a place where student work will be posted from time to time.  You can leave messages and keep up with one another, too!  I am looking forward to meeting everyone and getting started on this new year.  I am excited about teaming with Mrs. Mc; I'm really excited about focusing my teaching on math and science!  I love math and science!!  I think we are in for a great year!

For my old students, I wish you the best of luck this year!  You are going to do great and make us all so proud.  Just because you are in different classrooms, you're still mine!  Have a great year.  Please be sure to say hi when you see me, even though you are a big, bad 4th grader now!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

End of Year Party

As discussed in the newsletter, we will have a party on Thursday, May 29.  It will be our last full day together!  I am leaving it up to you to send in whatever you feel moved to send in.  You can send food, snacks, games, whatever.  I guess you can call it a Potluck Party!  We will use whatever is sent in.  I hope everyone plans on attending so we can enjoy our last few moments together as our 3rd grade family.  Soon enough they will be big, bad 4th graders and too cool to talk to those of us left behind!

Please feel free to leave comments to this post about what you may be thinking about sending in next week. 

Thanks everyone for a great year!

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Rocket Man!

Today we were lucky enough to have a visit from Kent Wallace from Fisk University.  He came by to meet with the 3rd graders and talk about rocketry.  He shared many great facts and showed some videos of his rocket team at Fisk.  The students were a great audience, and many of them may now be inspired to become rocket scientists!  A big thank you to Mr. Wallace!  Huntsville, here we come!!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Our Newest Favorite Thing

When rains come, when the day has gotten long, when we just need something else to do, you might see the old portable shaking just a little bit!  Thanks to our First Grade friends and Mrs. Ward, our class now has a new favorite past time:  Just Dance!  Nothing gets our hearts racing (quite literally) like dancing all out to "Call Me Maybe" or "Superstition."  Just take a peek!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Knock Our Socks Off!

Today was Crazy Sock day, and boy did I see some!  Take a look.  Recognize any of those stinky feet?!
 We also participated in a door decorating contest.  Here is what the class came up with.  They selected the book, organized their ideas, broke into teams, and created the whole thing on their own.  The only help I offered was in hanging it up.  (I do take credit for including a real pencil, but don't tell anyone!)  We will find out if we are one of the winning classes tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!
Spring Break begins next Tuesday.  I will have a packet, similar to daily math, for the students to complete while we are away.  It shouldn't take much time if completed a little bit each day.  TCAP will be on us once we get back, so the break packet will be something to help keep things fresh!  No worries.  Also, the class picture day has been postponed until after break.  More details to come.

Friday, February 28, 2014

We've Got Artists--Yes We Do!

Many of our class family are quite the artistic individuals!  Hailey recently won an art contest and will have her art work displayed on one of the trash trucks driving around Davidson County.  Hopefully we will soon get pictures of her with the artwork.  The truck will visit the school at some point!  Stay tuned for that update.

This month, Jayson's print was named "Masterpiece of the Month."  That's pretty impressive in a school of 800+ students.  The really cool thing is apparently three other students in our class were in close contention!  Well done ladies and gentlemen.  A big thank you to Mrs. Staehling for all she does with our class, and congratulations Jayson!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Olympic Readers

In celebration of the XXII Winter Olympics, we sponsored a winter reading event.  Below are pictures from the medal ceremony for the gold and bronze medal winners.  Congratulations medal winning students!

A big THANK YOU to Mrs. Taylor for hosting the ceremony and taking the pictures.  She's the best!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Super Bowl--Super Predictions

Sorry this is coming in a little late.  Computers at school went down!

Here is your chance to make your big pick for the big game!   
Who is going to win Super Bowl XLVIII? 
 Seattle and the amazing Russell Wilson or Denver and Tennessee's favorite Peyton Manning?  Who is going to make the big plays?  What will be the final score?

Click on the comments link below to make your predictions.  Anyone who leaves a comment before kickoff on Sunday will be in the class competition to see who was right! You never know what the winner might receive.

Have a great weekend!  Don't forget Punxsutawney Phil makes his appearance Sunday morning.  The way things have been going lately, I don't think there is any doubt as to what his weather prediction will be.