Tuesday, May 20, 2014

End of Year Party

As discussed in the newsletter, we will have a party on Thursday, May 29.  It will be our last full day together!  I am leaving it up to you to send in whatever you feel moved to send in.  You can send food, snacks, games, whatever.  I guess you can call it a Potluck Party!  We will use whatever is sent in.  I hope everyone plans on attending so we can enjoy our last few moments together as our 3rd grade family.  Soon enough they will be big, bad 4th graders and too cool to talk to those of us left behind!

Please feel free to leave comments to this post about what you may be thinking about sending in next week. 

Thanks everyone for a great year!

1 comment:

lillian b said...

we will bring...something... and we will probably decide next week. helpful? maybe not. but at least you know we read this? :)